Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A final advice

A final advice

Han llegados los famosos días de las rectas finales. Mientras morimos lentamente entre libros, ensayos, guías de estudio y sobredosis de cafeína, pensé que sería una buena idea que algunos de los fashionistas de UTPA nos dieran unos consejitos de cómo pasar y sobrevivir los exámenes finales.
Espero que sean de gran ayuda.

Recuerda, lo que vale la pena en la vida nunca llegará fácilmente.

¡A estudiarle cariño!


The famous finals days are here. And while we slowly die between books, essays, study guides and caffeine overdoses, I thought it would be a good idea to ask some of the UTPA’s fashionistas to gives us some tips on how to survive and pass our final exams.

I hope they are of great help.

Remember, what is worth it in life never comes easy.

Get studying darling!

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Daniella Diaz/Senior/Major: Print Journalism, Minor: Graphic Design

“Finals are just finals. They’re a step that takes us towards graduation, and yes they’re important. But if we worked hard all the semester and made sure to keep our grades up all semester, you shouldn’t really worry about it. There are so many services UTPA offers to help you get caught up. The tutoring services here are great. And when it’s all over, you’ll feel happy with yourself.”

(*Collar de Peter Pan= ¡compratelo YA!/ Peter Pan collar= buy it NOW!)

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Valerie Garate /Senior/Major: Public Relations (PanAmerican’s Greek Life Blogger)

“Time management, honestly you just have to prioritize. Manage the most important things first and so on. Keeping track of your time is most important.”

(*Bolsos de colores vivos ayudan a darle un toque vivo y especial a cualquier conjunto, usalo con colores oscuros (a mí me gusta cuando el color de la bolsa no tiene nada que ver con lo que traes pues, se ve retro)/Bright colored purses helps give a vivid and special touch to any outfit, use it with dark colors (I like it when the color of the purse has nothing to do with what you have on, it looks retro))

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Jose Patino/Junior/ Major: Mechanical Engineering, Minor: Spanish

“I study a lot, a lot. Literally we make study groups with friends. We just stay there studying, sometimes all the way to midnight or later. Practice makes perfect.”

(*Chavos con pantalones de color= ¡Uff! ¡Me matan!/ Guys in colored denim= Uff! Kills me!)

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Violeta Alejandra Garza/Junior/Major: Public Relations, Minor: Spanish

“Well, before I start I review little by little. For certain classes I make note cards and that’s how I study definitions. The day before the exam is the heaviest; go to a place where you can study. I go to Moonbeans to study and take breaks. I try not to stay up late.”

(*Pantalones de Harem=!necesarios! / Harem Pants= must haves!)

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Monica Carranco/Junior/ Major: Public Relations, Minor: Spanish

“Staying up late and reading. Just study a lot.”

(*Entre más simple mejor/ Simple is always better)

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Sara Castillo/Senior/ Major: Public Relations, Minor: Art

“I try to study days in advanced so I don’t overwhelm myself and learn everything fully. I like to write my guides by hand and from there I continue to review them. The day before the exam I sleep early and have a light breakfast the next day so I could have energy but no feel bad during the test.”

(*Blusas con holanes= muy de moda horita/ Peplum shirts= very in right now)

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Mario Antonio Lopez/Senior/Major: Graphic Design, Minor: Advertising

“I don’t have finals just projects. And well I do them and then I go to parties. But for finals you should study a bunch the day before and don’t sleep until after the test then go home and nap. And then you go out and party until you forget whatever you learned all semester.”

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Estefania Nina Franklin/ Senior/ Major: Public Relations, Minor: Graphic Design

“With six classes it might be insane to think that I might survive. I think it really is all about giving that extra push to see the great results of my effort. In the end it makes it all worth it.”

Mateo/Matthew 11:28-30