Saturday, December 1, 2012

Scarf it up!

Scarf it up!

¡Feliz día de acción de gracias (pasadas)!

¡Espero que hayas comido mucho, mucho y que hayas dado gracias por todas tus bendiciones!
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Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!

I hope you ate tons and that you gave thanks for all your blessings!

Tal parece que la Madre Naturaleza y el frio están jugando a las escondidas con nosotros. Lo siento  por  las personas, como yo, que todos los días oran por frio y no logramos encontrar su escondite.


Pero bueno, mientras el clima del Valle se trata de actualizar con el resto de Estados Unidos y decide regalarnos un poco de descanso del calor, yo te daré unas cuantas ideas para estar a doc a este clima bipolar.

También tuve la oportunidad de participar en un video de cómo hacer tu propia bufanda—¡y debo admitir que ha quedado muy padre! Muchas gracias a Elizabeth Marie Espinosa y a Dimitra Hernandez.

Recuerda, !al mal tiempo buena cara (y ropa jeje)!

P.D. Durante estos tiempos nunca te equivocarás con una bufando o pañoleta.

( )

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Bridget Osuna
“I felt a little sick today and wanted to be warm and cozy. And the scarf, well, I wanted my dreadlocks out of my face. I like it because it’s a different style.”

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Mandy De la Fuente
“I am actually the model for my painting class right now and I really put thought into this. I wanted something different, so I pinned my skirt. The scarf, well, I just thought it was interesting to wear it that way.”

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Cindy Gomez
“I actually saw a girl here at the Annex wearing a scarf around her head and I thought it looked interesting. I tried it, but I didn’t dare to wear it like that, so I tried different ways and like how it looked around my shoulders, so I wore it that way.”


It seems like Mother Nature and the cold weather are playing hide-and-seek with us. I really am sorry for all the individuals, like myself, who pray every day for cold days and can never seem to find its hiding place.


And while the Valley weather tries to actualize itself with the rest of the US and gifts us with a break from hot temperatures, I will give you a few ideas on how to be ready for this bipolar climate.

I also had the opportunity to participate in a do-it-yourself video on how to make your own scarf. And if I must admit it, it came out really cool! I’d like to thank to Elizabeth Marie Espinosa and Dimitra Hernandez.

Remember, at bad times put your best face forward (and outfits hehe)!

P.S. During these times you can never go wrong with a scarf.

Salmos/Psalms 100: 4-5